MPDI Open Access Journals; Date of Issue: 2023-02
Blood-Based Biomarker Analysis for Predicting Efficacy of Chemoradiotherapy and Durvalumab in Patients with Unresectable Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Journal: Molecular and Cellular Probes; Date of Issue: 2023-02
Liquid biopsy in the clinical management of cancer patients
JoVE Journal; Date of Issue: 2023-01
Automatic Separation and Collection of Cancer-Related Substances from Clinical Samples
Journal: Molecular and Cellular Probes; Date of Issue: 2022-11
A method for early diagnosis of lung cancer from tumor originated DNA fragments using plasma cfDNA methylome and fragmentome profiles
Journal: Molecular and Cellular Probes; Date of Issue: 2022-10
The application of circulating tumor cell and cell-free DNA liquid biopsies in ovarian cancer
Journal: Journal of Thoracic Oncology; Date of Issue: 2022-09
Circulating Tumor DNA to Identify Genomic Biomarkers of Radiation Sensitivity in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Journal: Translational Oncology; Date of Issue: 2022-02
Clinical significance of circulating tumor cells after chemotherapy in unresectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Journal: cancers; Date of Issue: 2021-10
Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters Are Cloaked with Platelets and Correlate with Poor Prognosis in Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine; Date of Issue: 2021-09
Vimentin-Positive Circulating Tumor Cells as Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Patients with Biliary Tract Cancer
Journal: Cancer Research (2021); Date of Issue: 2021-07
Comprehensive analysis of blood-based biomarkers to immunotherapy using circulating tumor cells, peripheral blood cells and circulating tumor DNA in advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2021-06
Identifying molecular targets for reverse aging using integrated network analysis of transcriptomic and epigenomic changes during aging
Journal: Translational Lung Cancer Research; Date of Issue: 2021-05
Comprehensive analysis of blood-based biomarkers for predicting immunotherapy benefits in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Journal: JKMS; Date of Issue: 2021-04
A Clinical Risk Score to Predict In-hospital Mortality from COVID-19 in South Korea
Journal: Gigascience; Date of Issue: 2021-03
Comparative analysis of 7 short-read sequencing platforms using the Korean Reference Genome: MGI and Illumina sequencing benchmark for whole-genome sequencing
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2021-01
Circulating tumour cells as an indicator of early and systemic recurrence after surgical resection in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Journal: 2021 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium; Date of Issue: 2021
A translational study to evaluate genomic markers and concordance with circulating-tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells to predict clinical outcomes in gastrointestinal and pancreatobiliary cancers: Valor trial.
Journal: BJU International Date of Issue: 2020-07
The combination of size-based separation and selection-free technology provides higher circulating tumour cells detection sensitivity than either method alone in patients with metastatic prostate cancer
Journal: Science Advances; Date of Issue: 2020-05
Korean Genome Project: 1094 Korean personal genomes with clinical information
Journal: Diagnostics (Basel); Date of Issue: 2020-04
Circulating Tumor Cells Enumerated by a Centrifugal Microfluidic Device as a Predictive Marker for Monitoring Ovarian Cancer Treatment: A Pilot Study
Journal: Theranostics; Date of Issue: 2020-04
A lab-on-a-disc platform enables serial monitoring of individual CTCs associated with tumor progression during EGFR-targeted therapy for patients with NSCLC
Journal: Lung Cancer; Date of Issue: 2019-12
Circulating Tumor Cell Number Is Associated with Primary Tumor Volume in Patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma
Journal: Anticancer Research; Date of Issue: 2019-12
Combinatory Analysis of Cell-free and Circulating Tumor Cell DNAs Provides More Variants for Cancer Treatment
Journal: Translational Psychiatry; Date of Issue: 2019-10
Depression and suicide risk prediction models using blood-derived multi-omics data
Journal: Gigascience; Date of Issue: 2019-09
Chromosome-scale assembly comparison of the Korean Reference Genome KOREF from PromethION and PacBio with Hi-C mapping information
Journal: Genome Biology; Date of Issue: 2019-08
Raptor genomes reveal evolutionary signatures of predatory and nocturnal lifestyles
Journal: BMC Biology; Date of Issue: 2019-03
The genome of the giant Nomura’s jellyfish sheds light on the early evolution of active predation
Journal: Genome Biology and Evolution; Date of Issue: 2019-03
The draft genome of an octocoral, Dendronephthya gigantea
Personalized genomic analysis based on circulating tumor cells of extra-skeletal Ewing sarcoma of the uterus: A case report of a 16-year-old Korean female
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2018-04
KoVariome: Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses
Journal: Human Genetics; Date of Issue: 2018-02
Genomic structure of the native inhabitants of Peninsular Malaysia and North Borneo suggests complex human population history in Southeast Asia
Journal: Genomics; Date of Issue: 2018-02
Sequencing and analysis of the whole genome of Indian Gujarati male
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2017-07
Myotis rufoniger genome sequence and analyses: M. rufoniger’s genomic feature and the decreasing effective population size of Myotis bats
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2017-06
Circulating tumor cells detected by lab-on-a-disc: Role in early diagnosis of gastric cancer
Journal: Science Advances; Date of Issue: 2017-02
Genome-wide data from two early Neolithic East Asian individuals dating to 7700 years ago
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2017-01
Analysis of the FGF gene family provides insights into aquatic adaptation in cetaceans
Journal: BMB Reports; Date of Issue: 2017-01
Perspectives provided by leopard and other cat genomes: how diet determined the evolutionary history of carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores
Journal: Nature Communications; Date of Issue: 2016-11
An ethnically relevant consensus Korean reference genome is a step towards personal reference genomes
Journal: Analytical Chemistry; Date of Issue: 2016-11
FAST: Size-Selective, Clog-Free Isolation of Rare Cancer Cells from Whole Blood at a Liquid–Liquid Interface
Journal: Genome Biology; Date of Issue: 2016-10
Comparison of carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore mammalian genomes with a new leopard assembly
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2016-08
The genetics of an early Neolithic pastoralist from the Zagros, Iran
Journal: Genome Biology; Date of Issue: 2015-12
Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus
Journal: Science; Date of Issue: 2015-11
Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture throughout the African continent
Journal: Cancer Research and Treatment; Date of Issue: 2015-10
Overexpression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in advanced gastric cancer with aggressive lymph node metastasis
Journal: Genome Biology; Date of Issue: 2015-10
The first whole genome and transcriptome of the cinereous vulture reveals adaptation in the gastric and immune defense systems and possible convergent evolution between the Old and New World vultures
Journal: Molecules and Cells; Date of Issue: 2015-03
Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation before-and after Exercise in the Thoroughbred Horse with MeDIP-Seq
Journal: BMC Genomics; Date of Issue: 2015-03
Whole genome sequencing of an ethnic Pathan (Pakhtun) from the north-west of Pakistan
Journal: Cell Reports; Date of Issue: 2015-01
Insights into the evolution of longevity from the bowhead whale genome
Journal: Oncogene; Date of Issue: 2014-11
PPP1R1B-STARD3 chimeric fusion transcript in human gastric cancer promotes tumorigenesis through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling
Journal: BMC Genomics; Date of Issue: 2014-11
Whole genome sequence and analysis of the Marwari horse breed and its genetic origin
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2014-10
The Feasibility Study of Non-Invasive Fetal Trisomy 18 and 21 Detection with Semiconductor Sequencing Platform
Journal: BMC Genomics; Date of Issue: 2014-07
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation patterns in horse
Journal: Genomes & Informatics; Date of Issue: 2014-06
New Lung Cancer Panel for High-Throughput Targeted Resequencing
Journal: Genome Biology; Date of Issue: 2014-04
Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2014-04
Identification and Characterization of MicroRNAs in Normal Equine Tissues by Next Generation Sequencing
Journal: The Pharmacogenomics Journal; Date of Issue: 2014-04
Whole-genome analysis of a patient with early-stage small-cell lung cancer
Journal: Nature Genetics; Date of Issue: 2013-11
Minke whale genome and aquatic adaptation in cetaceans
Journal: Scientific Reports; Date of Issue: 2013-10
Whole genome comparison of donor and cloned dogs
Journal: Nature Communications; Date of Issue: 2013-09
The tiger genome and comparative analysis with lion and snow leopard genomes
Journal: Analytical Biochemistry; Date of Issue: 2013-09
Enrichment of cancer cells from whole blood using a microfabricated porous filter
Journal: Bioinformatics; Date of Issue: 2013-09
iAnn: an event sharing platform for the life sciences
Journal: DNA Research; Date of Issue: 2013-06
Peeling back the evolutionary layers of molecular mechanisms responsive to exercise-stress in the skeletal muscle of the racing horse
Journal: Genome Research; Date of Issue: 2013-06
Comprehensive genome- and transcriptome-wide analyses of mutations associated with microsatellite instability in Korean gastric cancers
Journal: Current Biology; Date of Issue: 2013-04
The genetic basis of white tigers
Journal: BMC Genomics; Date of Issue: 2012-09
Whole transcriptome analyses of six thoroughbred horses before and after exercise using RNA-Seq
Journal: Plant Molecular Biology; Date of Issue: 2012-07
De novo transcriptome sequencing of Momordica cochinchinensis to identify genes involved in the carotenoid biosynthesis
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA; Date of Issue: 2012-07
A public resource facilitating clinical use of genomes
Journal: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics; Date of Issue: 2012-05
BetaDock: shape-priority docking method based on beta-complex
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA; Date of Issue: 2012-03
Genetic dating indicates that the Asian-Papuan admixture through Eastern Indonesia corresponds to the Austronesian expansion
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research; Date of Issue: 2012-01
MetaBase – the wiki-database of biological databases
Journal: BMC Genomics; Date of Issue: 2011-11
Liverome: a curated database of liver cancer-related gene signatures with self-contained context information
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2011-11
Identification of close relatives in the HUGO Pan-Asian SNP database
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2011-07
Gene expression pattern in transmitochondrial cytoplasmic hybrid cells harboring type 2 diabetes-associated mitochondrial DNA haplogroups
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2011-06
PanSNPdb: the Pan-Asian SNP genotyping database
Journal: PLoS One; Date of Issue: 2011-04
Population genetic structure of peninsular Malaysia Malay sub-ethnic groups
Journal: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; Date of Issue: 2011-04
Mutational hotspots in the mitochondrial genome of lung cancer